
Feb 6, 2013

Deadly Facts.

1.Humans blink almost 1,000 times a day. That’s almost 5 minutes of blinking
2.The Earth slows down by approximately 5 milliseconds every year.
3.When the telephone was first introduced into Britain, written permission from the Queen was needed to make international calls.
4.When a new coin is designed, the design is tested them to ensure that they land on heads and tails an equal amount of times. 
5.A helicopter would not be able to take off or fly with an odd number of blades. Most helicopters have four blades.
6.If a human brain was saved onto hard drives, it would take up the whole of New Mexico, and would need 10,000 volts of electrical current.
7.A heart removed from a human body can continue to beat for up to three days.
8.While smoking may be bad for the lungs and heart, tobacco contains Nitrogentrioxide- a chemical that can help cure Polio.
9.Shirt collars came into use when one tailor accidentally added too much fabric to a shirt. The trend quickly caught on.
10.The human stomach is able to digest stainless steel, but the resulting blood poisoning would kill you.
11.Isaac Newton predicted the theory of Special Relativity long before Einstein; however, the papers were never published.
12.Google generates $691.27 per second!
Isn't it crazy? And the annual revenue is $21,800,000,000. If you have taken 5 seconds to read this post then Google would have already made around $3456.34.
13.The name ‘Google’ was an accident. A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for ‘Googol’

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