1.Humans cannot walk in a straight line without a visual point - When blindfolded, humans will gradually walk in a circle.
2.NASA is responsible for the invention of invisible braces and scratch resistant lenses.
3.Listening to music is one of the few activities that uses the entirety of the human brain.
4.Nearly 2 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day!
5.Dolphins don't breathe subconsciously, which is why the only sleep with 50% of their brain active - To prevent drowning.
6.According to the Mayan calendar, the actual date of the apocalypse is October 13, 4772 -- More than 2,500 years in the future.
7.During the late 13th century, the word “nice” actually meant “stupid” and “foolish.”
8.Looking through a small hole will immediately improve your vision temporarily.
9.Cats do not have sweet taste receptors - They can only taste things that are salty or bitter.
10.A guy who goes by “The Iceman” spent 44 minutes covered in ice, and 72 minutes in the North Pole naked.
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